16 May 2012

Birthday Edit

Fun day up in Whistler enjoying the sun and hanging out with good friends.

15 May 2012

Boarders Without Borders Fundraiser

Tamo Campos and the rest of the Boarders Without Borders crew held a fundraiser at Sitka shop to raise money for their charity down in Peru. The night was a lot of fun and it was a great turn out. There was live music, a raffle, a 2-6 tonney toss and of course a lot of beer to be consumed. When you go to the BC Liquor store and buy 300 hundred beers you know it's going to get wild! All in all I believe the night was a success.

9 May 2012

BBQ Skate Jam

It was the first weekend were people were officially done school for the summer and I knew the weather was going to be nice on sunday. So I had a bbq skate jam for a bunch of my friends that I work with and ones that I use to work with. It was a great time and I hope everybody had fun! This was the first of many bbq's to go down at my house this summer...see everybody at the next one :):)

 Frontside smith for me
 Crooked grind for Rhley
Fakie 5-0 in the straw hat
 Dave feeble to fakie
 Ryley sacked himself
 Brenen and Andrew killed the grill

 Drink time
Mark going huge

3 May 2012

Boarders Without Boarders

I am so stoked to help work on such an amazing project! My friend Tamo Campos who is a great snowboarder has this amazing organization Boarders Without Borders that is "dedicated to spreading interest in humanitarian work within the snowboarding community." Him and some other people are going down to Chile all summer long to go do volunteer work as well as snowboard ( Read Snowboard Canada Article below). We all snowboard because it's our passion and this is an amazing project to be working on because it gives back to the snowboarding community and what snowboarding has done for us. Without snowboarding we all wouldn't know what to do with our lives so we will pursue our dream as long as possible. Hopefully I can save up some money and join Tamo and the rest of crew down in Chile for a couple weeks in August cause this would be an experience of a lifetime! But in the meantime it's time to put my knowledge, skills and what I have learnt through marketing so far to help  market Boarders Without Boarders further to the best of my ability.

"Boarders Across Borders is an organization dedicated to spreading interest in humanitarian work within the snowboarding community.  Our goal is to encourage snowboarders to channel the positive energy inherent to our sport in ways that genuinely help the people in our world who face adverse living conditions.
Through our partnerships, our organization is actively involved in supporting overseas aid, and spreading local awareness of global poverty issues and environmental sustainability. 
 As avid snowboarders, we recognize how fortunate we are to lead the lifestyles that we do.  We encourage anyone who wants to spread the stoke of our sport into positive change to get involved!" www.boardersacrossborders.weebly.com

(Snowboard Canada Article) Currently, BWB is working on two documentary shred flicks that will showcase their humanitarian and environmental efforts as well as the riding of Tamo Campos, Nic Heringa, Dave MacKinnon, Curtis Woodman, and Eliel Hindert.  One of the movies shows how the crew converted an old diesel truck to run on veggie oil, built splitboards, and scored pow without burning fossil fuels or riding chairlifts.  The other will be filmed this summer in South America, where BWB is involved in two humanitarian projects.  First, the crew will build floating garden rafts in Peru.  These rafts will provide food and jobs for the impoverished community of Iquitos.  From Peru, BWB’s riders will head to Chile to film the shred segments of the movie, and to volunteer for an organization that provides housing in to communities in Chile.
If you’re into shredding, volunteering, splitboards, trucks, and travelling, make sure to pay attention to Boarders Without Borders.  We should be seeing some very cool things from them very soon- in the meantime check out their teaser for their summer project, and their website (www.boarderswithoutborders.net) to see what they’re up to, support their projects, get involved, and get some ideas about how you can be a snowboarder who makes a difference. - David MacKinnon